Tras la Piel del Mapa
Marina Camargo’s work is driven by a unique interest in understanding and distorting the established order of the world, leading to an expanded notion of displacement. This is evident both on a physical level, through her relationship with spaces and places, and on a conceptual level, as she moves perception beyond codes and conventions. The exhibition, which focuses on newly produced works, offers a unique perspective on displacement through a diverse collection of paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs, and videos.
From the beginning, Camargo’s research has been marked by an expanded notion of drawing, in which image and thought are reciprocally constituted and, from there, structure the work process. Questions related to cartography began to interest him during the period he lived in Barcelona (where he studied Visual Culture at the Universitat de Barcelona). Since then, questions related to the different notions of displacement have become recurrent in his practice. Returning to Barcelona after twenty years is like returning to the referents that structured his pieces in subsequent years.
A world in the mirror, floating, cut, a soft and permeable border. Camargo’s works in the exhibition suggest other conceptions of territory. Maps, conceived as graphic representatives of control and power, are twisted or redrawn by the artist in a flow that takes varied directions, shaping continents, inverting scales, and trembling the edges—a gesture that occupies the scale of poetry, imagination, and desire.